Saturday, 29 June 2019

The psychology of mind programming and the present world order

The topic of psychology in context to mind programming thus leading to this world order, always lingers in my mind.

The fight for power, control over others, domination, leading to politics, then fear and insecurities gripping at various stages created by several illogical notions, the various divides in the society and globally, is a thought that ponders in my mind about the irony of things.

I tried to pay some attention to understand the importance and significance of psychology and its influences on our thought patterns, behaviour and conscious which has shaped up our present world order.

What I understand, is, that societies have undergone major brainwashing from time to time, right from the time the civilizations came up. Over the years as societies started forming and moved ahead to develop, also a premise started getting laid based on beliefs, which took birth first in a small way, then was driven by passion and finally became diehard obsessions leading to fanaticism.

As generations came up, first the minds got programmed by the families they were born into, then by the society they grew in, into certain set beliefs. This lead to indoctrination of minds, into school of thoughts, which lead to mass stereotypes with boxed mindsets, and sometimes even to the extent of hardcore fanaticism and cult. And this became a chain reaction and spread like viral. Now it has turned into a vicious circle.

So we can see that societies and individuals are subjected to a full mental programming right from the time of birth, thus leading to a complete restriction on freedom of thought and reasoning. Therefore our mindsets and thinking pattern are completely boxed and we find it hard to break out of it, or rather don’t want to, because we feel that it is rather odd to, foolish, unconventional or absurd. Most people would never ever give it a thought to breaking out of it, even in their entire life, and would live it, just like that, till the very end of their lives. Does this mean most people actually enjoy basking in that particular programmed paradigm?

Some people, a very marginal few, might give it a thought of “thinking out of the box” and living their lives in a different way but would not have the courage to adore it, either due to fear of being outcasted by the society, or being called anti social or a lunatic, or feeling of an odd one out, or fear of repercussions, fear of being cursed, etc. and it is not a surprise, these sort of things do happen.

Masses and societies are under the grip of the social influences and structure. Also the influence of the hardliners can be seen immense even on the neutrals. But there are a meagre few who do change their way of thinking and try to come out of their mental blockages and programming. But to what extent they are able to live their lives in their terms, is quite subjective.

As Terence Mekenna put it, “We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it’s worth.”

As per my perception, our lives are governed by mental programming categorised into following:
  1. Cultural
  2. Religion
  3. Money
  4. Politics and government
  5. Exploiting nature
  6. Media
  7. Education

It has been scientifically inferred that all human beings are the same. All the races have the same origin. The human species has its origin and roots from Africa. The change in the colour of the skin is a mere UV radiation phenomenon and all the rest physical factors are the effects of the environment.

It’s just that we are definitely caught up in the web of cultural fancies and fads. And each one of us claims that our culture is the best. And we blindly believe in it. That is how we have been groomed up and programmed to believe. And so to feel a sense of belonging, or to keep connected to our roots, to getting married and all that, it’s necessary to stick on to our cultural roots. As if otherwise we would be some different human species.


Religion started off on a note to create social order in the absence of a law and order system.

Religion has also been a major form of mind control and programming on human beings. I find, it has only kept the human species separated and segregated. It has depopulated the world through number of wars, inquisitions and crusades and all this in the name of “God”. There is a catch. What no religion teaches is that we have the potential and are powerful spiritual beings even without the so called “RELIGION”. To have faith and believe in God (the supreme power) is one thing but to be baptised into one of the religions for our existence, I find it lame. Almost the same template as of every government (specially the authoritarian), the religions (or their governors) want to rule our minds so that we keep living in subservience, control and conformity, under it/them, in fear - lest doom falls upon us; in greed – a promise of heaven which no one on earth knows of or have ever seen or known. Nobody here loves the Supreme but live under thy fear and greed. This is what has been programmed into our minds.

I am sure if aliens were to visit us, they would neither have one of the religious books in hand or money in their pockets. Yet their science and development would be advance enough that they could reach our earth even without those.


It is very well said by somebody that “when you find religion, you find money, as these two tenets in life are married to one another. Within these two entities, you’ll also find their illegitimate stepchild, the ‘government’ as all 3 are perpetually tied to each other”. If there wasn’t anything such as money then what would we be doing with our lives? I guess this answer would make us realize each one of us what our true purpose of life would be. We live in a society where each one of us has to rely on money for our existence. So we are all economical slaves to this system, thus, again our thinking and our mind gets programmed as per this. Money takes us away from our true natural selves and what actually matters and are important in our lives.


Borders are creations of the politicians for their self motive to attain identity and power and the general masses fall prey to it. Why can’t everyone be global citizens? Be it the democratic or authoritarian governments, our minds get programmed by their influence or rather their propaganda programmes our minds. Due to fear of insecurity we are forced into submission to them. Ultimately what they do is again divide and segregate the human race in the name of countries, borders, then again amongst the people living in those countries. Each one of us is taught and forced to believe in patriotism and love our fellow countrymen and have aversions against the human beings living outside the borders. Then the politicians and the government with their policies again depopulate the world through wars in the name of patriotism and with the misuse of the great inventions made by the mankind. So, again extensive mind programming.


Our mind has been programmed to rely on nature of all our needs. This is even to the extent of destroying it, mutilating it and ransacking it in every possible way, and it really doesn’t matter as long as our interests are met. Human beings have solely contributed to denudation of forests, polluting food, land, the waters and the skies to defacing the earth, disturbing the ecosystem, flora and fauna, all in the name of development and progress. And we all are programmed to believe that to be successful in life we need to live in a place as per our custom choice, eat as per what our taste buds demand, travel the way we want to and all that jazz. Our minds have been programmed to think and believe live that. Everything has to be exactly as per what we human beings want and the rest of the earth is our experimental ground.


This is certainly one of the major mind control systems. Media shapes up our thinking, beliefs, opinions, personality, behaviour, actions, desires, ambitions, aspirations, almost very many things in the society. If you trace the owners of the mainstream media, you will find, it’s just a handful of some of the business tycoons who are in support of some political party or the other for their self benefit, are the people who dictate the terms and conditions on which these media channels should work on. Now, the influences of these channels of communication, shapes up our thinking and brainwashes us. There are chances that we get unfair and unbiased news which would influence our reasoning and intellect, sway us into waves of passions, lead us towards more consumerism, etc etc. We are also ridiculed by these advertisements and made to believe that we are inferior unless we adapt to or use those products. Then for our entertainment, we are programmed to watching TV, rather we could utilize all that time in a better way than wasting it on TV but no it has to be this way. All this, again mind programming.


Another brain programming element right from childhood is about career, money, social status, to enjoy the best things in life, etc etc. Perhaps our entire educational system can be considered as a complete failure. Because all it does, is, basically grooms children into become corporate economic slaves. The minds of the children are programmed to believe that education is meant for a decent sustenance, successful career, money, fame and all that. Children are burdened with high pressure right from their small classes and a sense of competitiveness is ingrained in them right from the beginning, like - to survive you have to be the fittest. The best career options would be to be an engineer, doctor, MBA and the like, while the mediocres come after that. Accordingly there would be divisions in the society, status wise. College is yet another failure as it generally creates even more economic subservience through student loans that might take more than half the time to repay.

The human beings are influenced to orient themselves in alignment with the false goals and aspirations that are implanted into thoughts through mind programming through these mediums.

For many people, they will not see or acknowledge the brainwashing and programming that has been occurring throughout the centuries. Many will live their lives content as being economic, political and social slaves to the disruptive system. But for some of us why not give it a thought....bringing in a new world order....

As we have already entered the sixth phase of extinction, we are at an important juncture of human history. We need to find options and solutions to deprogram ourselves. But, first we need to awaken from the collective programming that we are, under the influence of, to break this vicious circle and work together to provide solutions in the best interests of humanity....combining humanity with science....

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